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http://www.100md.com 2014年1月29日 《中国社区医师》 20144

    摘 要 碘对比剂过敏现象仍然存在,但碘对比剂过敏试验却没有统一标准,为了真正确保患者用药安全,有效防止医疗资源浪费,避免发生医疗纠纷时举证困难,建议卫生行政部门统一碘对比剂过敏试验规范。

    关键词 碘对比剂 过敏试验 统一标准

    The clinical application status and outlook of Iodinated contrast allergy trial

    He Wenfeng,Li Yanxia,Li Guihua

    Jilin General Hospital of Jilin Chemical Group Company,132000

    Abstract Iodinated contrast allergy still exists,but iodinated contrast allergy test is not have a standard,in order to truly ensure patient medication safety,prevent waste of medical resources,to avoid difficulties of proof medical disputes ......

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